Bleeding after Birth Complete 2.0
Preventing deaths from postpartum hemorrhage

Bleeding After Birth Complete 2.0 (HMS BABC 2.0)
Bleeding after Birth Complete 2.0 is a module designed to reduce maternal deaths caused by post-partum hemorrhage and incorporates the latest WHO recommendations for use of tranexamic acid (TXA), uterotonics for prevention such as carbetocin and heat stable carbetocin, (HSC). The module builds capacity of the entire team of health workers who care for women at birth. With HMS BABC 2.0, skills are built around communication and teamwork, active management of the third stage of labor, early detection and management of PPH including management of shock, uterine balloon tamponade, manual removal of the placenta, repair of cervical lacerations, and use of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment. The materials include a Flipbook, Providers Guide, and two Action Plans, as well as a link to the videos used during training and a folder of supplemental materials such as agendas, knowledge and skills tests and certificates that are critical components for success.
Module Overview
Modules At A Glance_HMS BABC 2.0
You can download the full package of Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding after Birth Complete 2.0 training materials at no cost below.
- English (African graphics)
- English (International graphics)
- French
- Dari
- Pashto
- Spanish (International graphics) – new!
While a variety of simulators may be used for this module, we have found the MamaNatalie simulator a low cost, portable, and durable option which allows for role modeling respectful care. If you are interested in ordering a MamaNataliefrom Laerdal Global Health, please visit their site.